Unraveling the Rhythms of Nature with Osman Koç: A Journey Through Art and Technology
NOS Visuals, Ways of Seeing, Daejeon Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea
16th International Symposium Communication in the Millennium (CIM-2018) – Mentioned under “New Media, Art Production and Consumption Conversion: New Media Art in Turkey” by Ebru Özbakır and Habibe Öngören Zafer
2018 Future Communications Conference, The York-Ryerson Joint Graduate Program in Communication & Culture – Mentioned under “New Media, Art Production and Consumption Conversion: New Media Art in Turkey” by Ebru Winegard and Habibe Ongoren Zafer
Epson Pro L Projectors | Immersive Art Experience Lights Up The Midway
Alternative Informatics Association – Mentioned under “Online Art Practice In Turkey” & “Media Literacy and New Media Literacy”
Artful Living – Mentioned and quoted